How to find external links in excel that workbook
How to find external links in excel that workbook

Here’s how you can find external links in an Excel file. Apparently there were external links in the file, and I didn’t want to keep them. To select multiple linked objects, hold down the CTRL key, and click each linked object. Last week, I opened an Excel file, and was surprised to see a Security Warning. You should see a new sheet with all the issues listed out. In the Source list, click the link that you want to break. In the Compatibility Checker dialog box click the Copy to New Sheet button Sub ListLinks () Dim aLinks As Variant aLinks ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources (xlExcelLinks) If Not IsEmpty (aLinks) Then Sheets.Add For i 1 To UBound (aLinks) Cells (i, 1).Value aLinks (i) Next i End If End Sub.

Place the code below into the standard module. In fact, the Hyperlink dialog box specifically states: 'Places in this workbook' when creating these links. In the Info section, select the Check for Issues drop-down List all the workbook links in a workbook using VBA in Microsoft Excel. One would think that Excel would be designed to start looking for the link reference in the current workbook by default and then if it couldnt find it, go elsewhere. Using The Compatibility Checker to Find Data Validation Errors: select Edit Links in the Queries & Connections group on the Data tab>Click Startup Prompt. I had the file saved as Macro Enabled Workbook template. You can manually search through each of your Data Validation rules within your workbook however, that may be a daunting task if you have a lot of tabs to search through. An easier way is to use the Compatibility Checker to search for you. I figured it out and my sincere apologies. This can occur as the Source input for a List rule. Removing External Links From Data Validation RulesĮxternal Links can reside in Data Validation rules.

How to find external links in excel that workbook